Key Steps in the Preparation of a Commercially Successful Website

Simon Thomas 7th May 2009 BNI Stansted

Simon Thomas of Toucan Internet LLP delivered a ten minute talk to Stansted BNI on the key stages involved in the development of a commercially successful website.

By popular request the MS PowerPoint “slides” are made available for those that may want these for reference.

Download presentation BNI10mins200905i1PublicLIVE.ppsx 4.17MB
We suggest you save this to your local hard disk to run.
Note some browser security may convert this to a ZIP file as a security measure.

If you are at the point where your business needs a commercially successful website, either by creating one from your current cobweb or by creating one anew, just contact Simon for a chat.

t: 01279 871 694 toucan-beak-tag-150


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